Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Assignment: Crank dat, Parts of Speech

Crank Dat- Parts of Speech
YouTube Video Assignment
name: Donna Lepore

YouTube website: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLSFQDqapFE

Parts of Speech:
A noun- Person, Place or Thing. Two nouns are: Texas, apple.
Adjective- describing words. Two adjectives are: ugly, purple.
Action Verbs- Verbs that are an action. Two verbs are: walking, talking.
Adverb- modifer, adds details to a verb. Two adverbs are:
Preposition- linking words, show location. Two prepositions are: under, and in front.
Interjection- tells feelings of subjects. Two interjections are: Ouch, geez.
Conjunction- used to connect other words. Two conjunctions: And and Of
Pronouns- Replace the nouns instead of repeating the same noun over and over again. Two Pronouns are: he and she.

Subject- Noun, sentence's main object.

Predicate- verb, the action.

My two sentences:

Allison ate the ice cream and it looked gross.

Ouch, I burned my thumb!

Diagram: My thumb is the subject.
I burned is the predicate. Ouch is an interjection.

I think my sentences are good because they use the parts of speech correctly and they are creative.

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