Tuesday, March 4, 2008

my notes on: Teaching Every Student in the Digital Age, by Dr. David Rose

QuickNote Organizer
Name: Rachel
Date: March 3, 2008
Hour: 8:57pm
Your Mood: Thirsty

Chapter 2 - “What Brain Research Tells us About Learner Differences”

1. Strategic networks is the second largest part of the brain.

Chapter 3 - “Why We Need Flexible Instructional Media”

1. Traditional media are fixed media where instruction is the same for everyone, and most of our history as a culture requires everyone to hear the same story the same way. With digital media, we can be flexible and meet every learner's needs.

Chaper 4 - “What is Universal Design for Learning” -

1. Provide multiple ways for students to show what they know.

Chapter 5 approaches goals - using UDL to set clear goals

1. Goals are almost always composites of things students need to know and understand, things that students need to be able to do, involving skills and strategies and motivation.

Chapter 6 - materials and methods for reaching goals

1. One of the main reasons students don't understand is because they don't have enough background knowledge.

Chapter 7 - focuses on assessment

1. There are ways to overcome barriers in assesment.

Chapter 8 - “Making Universal Design for Learning a Reality.”

1. Teacher training can help make Universal Design a reality.

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